Tévedtem, jószerivel annyi kép, videó és beszámoló került elő az Out4Blood-ról, vagyis a sorozat soundtrack-jánek megünnepléséről, hogy az már vicces. Ebből hoztam egy szép nagy adagot.
A fan beszámlót vagy hozom vagy nem, szóval nagy vonalakban: A bulin biztosan ott volt a színészek közül Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Todd Lowe (aki fellépett a zenekerával), Michelle Forbes, Kristin Bauer és a férje, Chris Bauer. A fellépők közül pedig a C.C. Adcock & The Lafayette Marquis, John Doe, Jace Everett, Gary Calamar és még sokan mások.
A tovább mögött még vannak videók, és két beszámoló angolul.
A Pilbilly Knights (Todd Lowe bandája)
Szerintem jó zenét játszanak (mondjuk én eleve szeretem ez a stílusú zenét (is)) Ha téged is érdekel itt a myspace-ük.
CC Adcock és the Lafayette Marquis + Anna és Steve felkonferálása
CC Adcock és the Lafayette Marquis
Jace Everett - Bad Things
Kelby beszámolója:
I had a fantastic evening. My sister, Carissa, her friend, Bernadette, and I are all huge fans of the show and have been great followers on the music and soundtrack. When I heard there was going to be a True Blood concert with all the music I knew I had to go. We had never gone to the Echoplex, but when we arrived we were more than excited and could not believe it was down a random alley on the street, but we love those types of places. The Pilbilly Knights kicked off the night first and were outrageous and genius. They have great sound, stage presence, and were very entertaining overall. I loved their three girl dancers, ahah! During the John Doe performance I heard my sister’s friend say, “We found vampire Bill.” We didn’t want to cause a scene and so we very quietly went up to him and asked for a picture. He was kinder than I could have ever imagined. I usually don’t like to bother people for pictures, but he didn’t seem to mind too much at all. In fact, he thought he blinked in one photo and insisted I take another one just to make sure he had his eyes open. He could not have treated us as fans any better and when we apologized for getting him noticed by other fans he kept saying, “Don’t worry love.“ We were way too excited by now and couldn’t believe how great the night was going. Before we know it we see Stephen Moyer walking away from the crowd with his arm around some girl with a bunch of tattoos. We knew he was dating Anna Paquin and it turned out it was her. We finally all asked for picture with Anna as well. “Of course you can,” she said with a big smile. I was starting to feel bad for thinking these people I love on the show could possibly be assholes in reality because now Anna Paquin was treating us as if we were all friends. We thanked her and went on our way. We danced nonstop towards the back through Jace Everett and CC Adcock. The night could not have gone any better and we got more out of it than we could have ever expected. We were all big fans of True Blood, but after this night we became lifelong obsessed True Blood fans. Below are Kelby’s photos from the event.
Tessa beszámolója:
Gary Calamar DJ’d the event and he was fantastic; wish he could be my personal DJ. He had a lot of songs from the show, including the songs from which the episode titles were pulled. First Todd Lowe’s band played. Then Todd came back out and introduced John Doe, who was definitely a highlight of the night. I’m not a big X fan but I hadn’t heard his solo stuff yet. It was beautiful and well-crafted. After John finished, Michelle Forbes and Chris Bauer came out to introduce Jace Everett. He was pretty good. Everyone was really excited for Bad Things, which he played last of course. After he finished there was a mass exodus of people, leaving what seemed to be about half of the audience to witness CC Adcock and the Lafayette Marquis. I managed to get right up to the rail and was watching them set up the stage, and then I looked to the side of the stage where you could see a dressing room door, and all of a sudden I see Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer walk through. I looked to the girl on my left who saw the same thing and our eyes bulged. No one else seemed to notice them. So we enjoyed our private little secret for a couple minutes before the two of them came on stage to introduce CC and his band which absolutely killed and were the best of the night for sure. Jace came out and sat on the side of the stage for some of his set. After they finished there was one more act not mentioned on the flyer, Chuck Prophet. All the lights throughout the venue were red. It was a really cool night, with an interesting collection of people in the audience. Below are Tessa’s photo and videos from the event.
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